Here is a message from reader KD about Bettina pizzeria which opened at 1014 Coast Village Road in Montecito in October 2018.
Buried in an article entitled “15 Destination-Worthy Restaurants in Santa Barbara” on was a tidbit that Bettina would be opening a Carpinteria location in 2024. I wonder if that will be in the new complex currently under construction in the heart of downtown, on Linden? Here’s the link:
Thanks, KD
Just recently ate at Bettina in Montecito for the first time. Good food and good service but very pricey. Much higher than the the restaurants currently in Carpinteria. Not worth the price difference to me.
Yay…just what Carp needs, another expensive pizza place
This is one of the very few restaurants in greater sb worth eating at. Carp in particular is a food wasteland. Carp residents should be bowing down and thanking their lucky stars. Wish Bettina opened a location in goleta near Home Depot. It would dominate over there.
Totally agree. Hands down best pizza in SB.
Calm down San Quentin. Carpinteria has Several very good restaurants! Your welcome to your opinion just don’t be disrespectful to the talented restaurant owners/operators in carpinteria.
Maybe Pizza Online should have raised their prices. Bettina is doing something right.