mcg2I ran into Mr. Santa Barbara (a.k.a. Larry Crandell) at a party recently and he showed me his solid metal “McGold Card.”  It reads:

“The McGold Card. This card entitles Larry Crandell free food for himself for life at any of our Santa Barbara or Goleta locations. Happy 90th birthday. Thank you. David Peterson”

Crandell tells me he was very appreciative to receive it and tries to dine at McDonald’s at least once a month. Larry is a local legend and a friend to many. In addition to numerous other things, Crandell has been the Master of Ceremonies at local events for more than 50 years. He’s now 91, works out multiple times per week, and is as strong as an ox. He flexed his bicep to prove it. It was solid metal, like that gold card in his wallet.


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7 Responses to McGOLD CARD

  1. Dawn OBrien says:

    That is disgusting.
    I am really disappointed in you, John.
    Propping gmo-riddled fast food discredits everything else you so earnestly report.
    What’s next? 7-11 hotdog opportunities?

    • Lily says:

      I haven’t eaten at McDonalds in over a decade, but that doesn’t mean I have to gnash my teeth everytime I hear the word “McDonalds”. Why so much aggression?

    • John Dickson says:

      I report about all food places in town and don’t keep an enemies list.

      • Mike says:

        McDonald’s for a snack or breakfast is tasty and quick. Once in a while!

        Try it some time, Dawn. I bet you like it.

  2. Papa John says:

    Sorry, Dawn, but I have to differ. I’m not in the least bit a McDonald’s fan, but I give credit to John for reporting any and all of the restaurant news. After all, he’s the Restaurant Guy, not the Healthy Eating Habits Guy.

  3. Salad Eater says:

    Hey, they now have salads to eat and other things that aren’t the typical junk. You do have a choice!

  4. Richard says:

    How can I get one?