A small yellow sign (currently out of public view because the backside faces the street) has appeared in the weeds at the huge empty lot on Hollister Ave, directly across from Camino Real Marketplace in Goleta. It reads: “NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Case name: Westar Mixed-Use Project. Case No. 08-143, Address: 7000 Hollister Avenue, Proposal: 279 Residential units and 90,054 square feet of commercial development”

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3 Responses to OFF TOPIC

  1. Justin says:

    There was (and may still be) a sign facing Hollister, but it had faded significantly from the daily dose of direct sunlight. (I drive by this location daily).

  2. Amanda says:

    I quick google search led me here:

    There’s a big document explaining the specifics on the project.

  3. Glenn says:

    That looks like residential. Too bad, could have been a nice shopping restaurant area.