Visiting a new place can be daunting for anyone, especially church. We either come with no preconceived expectations or we come with some background of church or we come from painful experiences - yes - even from church. At South Coast Church, it is their heart to be the church Jesus intended church to be. A church of love, acceptance and forgiveness; but along with that 'safe'.
What they mean by that is they just have one focus here and that is Jesus. South Coast Church concentrates on the mission that He left us with to love the world and lead people into the Kingdom of God. They teach simply from the bible in a verse-by-verse method with a focus of making it practical, relevant and useful for your everyday living. South Coast Church's weekly services are interacting and fun. The worship is both upbeat and reverent, in fact, they love to worship!
South Coast Church is a place where color, ethnicity nor economics matter but are welcomed! They are family. They place no value on your age nor are they focused on reaching only one group of people. South Coast Church believes Jesus came to serve and love all. In addition, South Coast Church celebrates their personal cultures in the way of Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and they even do an International month. South Coast Church eats together every Sunday after service and honestly, they look for almost any reason to throw a food party of some sort. In fact, South Coast Church even dances together. Yes, every New Year's Eve they throw a dance where young and old having fun together.
If you have not been to church in a while, or church has left a bad impression on you, South Coast Church invites you to come visit. They are not perfect nor do they claim to be 'the' church. South Coast Church is just a family that loves Jesus, loves to worship Jesus and loves to see the family grow.