Mission: Santa Barbara Community Church's mission is to be a community of believers looking upward to God, growing inward in Christ, and moving outward by the Spirit for the glory of God.

Values: Conviction through God's word, prayer, and a commitment to the local church; Community through small group discipleship, every member ministry, and a shared life; and Compassion through evangelism and missional engagement.

Story: Santa Barbara Community Church started in 1979 with a small group of people meeting in the back of a restaurant and bar on State Street. With a vision for church inspired by Acts 2, this group set out to worship, learn, pray, serve, and grow together. After outgrowing that space, for the next 27 years they met exclusively in the afternoon and rented facilities from other local churches. In 2008, Santa Barbara Community Church merged with Trinity Baptist Church and began meeting at their current location. The merger brought new family members and new ministry opportunities. Today, Santa Barbara Community Church enjoys dynamic church life spread across three Sunday services, over 60 homegroups, robust children's and youth ministries, and so much more.