Be With Them. Learn with Them. Grow with Them.In response to God's call to love, Saint Barbara Parish is a faith community that strives to live the Gospel life in prayer, formation, evangelization, outreach and stewardship in the Franciscan tradition.
Saint Barbara Parish's mission: In response to God's call to love, they are a faith community that strives to live the gospel life in prayer, formation, evangelization, outreach and stewardship in the Franciscan tradition.
This parish mission is in alignment with the vision for Old Mission Santa Barbara (parish, friary, archives, Mission).
In the humble spirit of St. Francis, Saint Barbara Parish fosters reverence, care and joy for all creation (people, creatures, environment) through ministry, service and study by offering a gathering place where pilgrims, visitors, scholars, and communities can grow and thrive in God's goodness.
Congregation photo by Zach Mendez