At the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara you can learn about the local Muslim community, find information about events and services, and discover opportunities for interfaith understanding.

The Mission of the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara

The Islamic Society of Santa Barbara (ISSB) is a 501(c)(3) independent organization. Its public outreach activities provide religious, recreational, and educational facilities to support the practice of the essence and value of Islam and foster interfaith understanding to fulfill the spiritual, social, and intellectual needs of Muslims and non-Muslims in Santa Barbara County.

ISSB intends to serve the Creator, the local community, and humanity at large by embodying and instilling values of duty, learning, integrity, humility, service, self-expression, belonging, and contribution. Its innovative, team-oriented leadership also strives to assist members to develop an American Muslim identity, and inform the public about Islam's beauty and compatibility with diverse cultures, ethnicities, genders, and perspectives.