If your desire is to be a part of a community that believes that God hasn't given up on the world and is working through people to bring about His renewal of all things, then you will find Grace your home.

At Grace, they're devoted to building an engaged, passionate, spiritually healthy community of people that are known for following a different way. Their desire is to be known as a family that loves and serves one another, believing that Jesus set the example that we are to follow. If you want to be a part of a congregation that lives life simply following Jesus, come join them.

Who They Are: Respect differences of opinion and encourage dialogue. Are deeply connected to God and each other in all of life; body, mind, soul and spirit. Trust that Love Wins in the end.

What They Believe: In the beginning God created all things good. God created us to be relational as well and marked us with an identity as his image bearers and a missional calling to serve, care for, and cultivate the earth.

Why They Gather: They gather to be encouraged and to develop a harmony of both right thinking and right living.