Emanuel Lutheran congregation, building on a foundation of Fellowship, worship, prayer, and God's Word & sacraments, seeks to fulfill the Great commission and the Great Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Since 1915, Emanuel Lutheran Church has been sharing the Good News of a loving God who created, saved, and makes us holy. They built their current campus on Modoc Road in 1969.
Emanuel Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, a world-wide association of Lutheran congregations, schools, and social service organizations committed to preaching and living the good news of Jesus Christ in myriad ways. Their members come from all walks of life and backgrounds, united by faith in being made right with God through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Emanuel Lutheran Church believes that worship is not something that we do for God, but rather, it is a time when God ministers to us and we respond to His goodness. The central highlights of Emanuel Lutheran Church's worship service are Word and sacrament. Word is the Word of God in Holy Scripture. A sacrament is an physical sign of God's love, grace, and forgiveness. Emanuel Lutheran Church celebrates the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of each month. Each worship service begins with a time of confession, and then the declaration that we have been forgiven! Emanuel Lutheran Church worships in the grace of God, fed by God's Word and sacraments, and sent back into our neighborhoods and homes and workplaces to be witnesses to the love God has given us and offers to everyone around us.
Emanuel Lutheran Church's worship blends traditional liturgical elements with hymns and contemporary music. In any given service you may find yourself singing along to a traditional Gospel song, a 500-year old hymn, or a song written in the last few years. In everything they do they seek to glorify God, not themselves.