Christ the King Episcopal Church values God's love for us as well as our love for one another. That love nourishes our souls, lifts our burdens, gives us strength to meet life's challenges and to give God our best.

They value submission to God embodied in being reconciled through the atoning death of Jesus on the cross and putting God's will at the center of our individual and collective life.

They value the Holy Bible as God's transcendent revelation and as the embodiment of God's moral vision for our lives and for society. They hold it to be the final authority on matters of doctrine and ethics in our lives and for the church.

They value our community at Christ The King in all it's diversity and pledge to strive for unity through respect, truth telling, transparency, repentance, forgiveness and extending grace to one another.

They value their Anglican tradition with its comprehensive nature, its catholic and reformation roots, is evangelistic preaching and sacramental worship, its incarnational discipleship and pastoral community and its emphasis on respect for the dignity of every human being. They especially value the sacramental encounter with Jesus through the eucharistic liturgy.

They value Christ centered spiritual growth that leads to transformation of people through the power of the Holy Spirit.