The University of California, Santa Barbara Library is the university library system that includes four facilities: Two libraries (the Main Library (Davidson Library) and the Music Library) and two annexes (Annex I and Annex II). The library has some three million print volumes, 30,000 electronic journals, 34,000 e-books, 900,000 digitized items, five million cartographic items (including some 467,000 maps and 3.2 million satellite and aerial images), more than 3.7 million pieces of microform, 167,500 sound recordings, and 4,100 manuscripts.

The library serves UC Santa Barbara's students, faculty, and staff. The Library is also open to the public, but to borrow materials, non-University affiliated individuals must purchase a UCSB Library Card for $100 for one year. Library cards for non-UCSB borrowers do not include Interlibrary Loan privileges nor access to licensed databases from off campus. Members of UCSB affiliates may join for a reduced fee, and students and faculty at other University of California campuses, public school teachers, and faculty from reciprocating libraries may also obtain borrowing privileges with no charge, subject to verification. Members of the UC Alumni Association may obtain a courtesy library card, which provides borrowing access, but not access to licensed databases or interlibrary loan, or the ability to check-out journals.


Traveling north on Highway 101: Take exit for Airport/UCSB, merging onto CA-217 West. At end of CA-217 West, enter campus through Henley Gate. Immediately veer right onto Mesa Road, avoiding the traffic circle. At second stoplight, turn left onto University Plaza. At stop sign, turn right to descend into Lot 18 (Mesa covered parking structure)

Traveling south on Highway 101: Take Patterson Avenue exit. Turn left onto Patterson Avenue. Take first left onto 101 North. Stay left to merge onto CA-217 West toward UCSB. At end of CA-217 West, enter campus through Henley Gate. Immediately veer right onto Mesa Road, avoiding the traffic circle. At second stoplight, turn left onto University Plaza. At stop sign, turn right to descend into Lot 18 (Mesa covered parking structure)