Campus Point, also known as Goleta Point, is the surfing beach at the University of California, Santa Barbara. It is a popular spot, especially in the summer when there is small surf break. Campus Point is known as a beginning surfers area. Campus Point Beach, which only exists when the tide is relatively low, is on the east side of Campus Point. If you walk east of Campus Point Beach you end up at Goleta Beach, while a westward stroll around Campus Point leads to Depressions Beach. You can take the stairs at Campus Point Beach to Labyrinth Trail and the bluffs above the beach for one of the most spectacular views in all of the Santa Barbara/Goleta area.

  • Amenities: Restrooms, Tide Pools
  • Activities: Beach Walking, Biking, Hiking, Sunbathing, Surfing
  • Dog Policy: Dogs allowed on leash

Campus Point Beach offers a fun scene with college students and families gathering and relaxing, while kids play in the sand and water. In the morning and mid-day there is no shade at all, but in the afternoon the bluffs create wide areas of shade. On the eastern side of the Campus Point Beach (toward Goleta Beach), just below the beach staircase near the parking area, it is sheltered from the wind and in the afternoon there is shade from the cliffs. This "secret" spot is a great place to come with children to play in the sand.

Parking / Directions

Parking close to Campus Point Beach can be a challenge. There are only a few stalls available for beach access during the week day. On weekends or after 5pm you can park in any of the parking spots. At all times there is a significant parking fee. You use your credit card to pay at the machines and then place the parking pass on your dashboard. In the evenings and on weekends it's the cheapest, around $3. To get to campus parking for Campus Point Beach following signs to UCSB on the 101 freeway, then go left around the entrance roundabout onto Lagoon Road. To reach the beach below the bluffs you can walk around the marine sciences buildings or use the stairwell next to the parking lot.

For free parking go to nearby Goleta Beach Park and walk westward to Campus Point Beach.
